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I managed to reach a vibe of 1, completely by accident. I have absolutely no idea what I was supposed to do. the art is nice (though a bit sad looking considering the theme?) but I think playtesting would have been an enormous help for this game


The goal of this game is that you do not know how anyone is going to react. Every npc will react to different stimuli differently. Your goal is to make as many as possible happy.

I think it was a bit too obtuse though. I didn't even know what interactions I copuld do 


Like control wise or what?

Yes, controls and interactions. I was pressing buttons randomly, and I don't know what I did or what I didn't do

(1 edit) (+1)

so the controls are WSAD or IJKL as it says on the games page, I did not have time to add that into the game. Each of the 4 actions bound to ijkl give different responses.


Makes sense, I didn't see that. I think playtesting would have helped y ou quite a lot though