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Congratulations, you made one of the best games of the jam.  

It is very easy to make the game unwinnable if you're not paying attention, but that never became a problem for me at least.  I do think that limited control/inventory slots is a little hampered by the fact that most of the upgrades you get are absolutely essential (you really can never drop your legs or jumping, so already 2 slots are sort of permanently fixed), so picking up a blood canister never really makes any sense.  Though the possibility space for your inventory does improve considerably once you get the kick boots, since now you really no longer need the running boots.  Obviously there's only so much you can do in a jam, but it might've been interesting to have water, where you can equip a fin or breathing apparatus, but now you no longer need to have legs or jumping, thus freeing up space for other things.

But anyway, one of the best made, most interesting, and most fun games in the jam.  Perfect score.


Thank you for playing my entry and giving out a solid feedbacks & ideas on the game!
I really appreciate it, and I'll take notes on those and refer to it when I'm working on the post-jam version.