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thanks! yeah the possibility zone is "inspiring" but a little extra lol


your welcome!

who frickin voiced whoever the hell is talking in the possibility zone tho?

(srry if it was you but that voice is what scares me)


... it was me. I voiced the possibility zone. T_T the tears won’t stop coming :( 


im so sorry. for real

(please dont be trolling me. im not good with jokes like that.)

if ur not trolling me

then ill do pretty muhc anything to make you happy or make up for it!!!


lol i'm ok, it was me who voiced the characters. to be clear, i'm not actually crying. it's just kinda funny lol. sorry if i made you worry!


but yeah, let that be a lesson for all of us-- all game devs, especially really small ones on places like, are often very personally attached to their works, so we should be careful about what we say about their work~ gaming culture kinda de-sensitizes us from being careful about what we say to creators, especially online