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This was very interesting, I want to know more!  Also I think this is the first jam game I've seen with voice acting.  Does the background sounds change the longer it goes, I've listened to about 3 or 4 loops and it seems like I hear new things each time >.>


Thanks! The sounds were a lot of fun to link up. If you don't mind the magic being ruined a little bit I can tell you what they're made up of. I have a super pitch shifted song playing at really low volume plus the sound of an old CRT (which has about a 2 minute loop) playing all the time. Then there are a couple game objects which each play a type of sound randomly from an array. There's one of those for thunder, doors opening / closing, and footsteps. They have different sized arrays but there are 5-8 of each (I chopped up some videos of compilations of those sounds). Those sound effects vary volume and stereo with Perlin Noise so they can sound like they're coming from the left or right (or walking behind you). I think the stereo part doesn't work on WebGL but it should on the downloadable builds. Then as you noted we have the amazing voice acting of Katherine Tole! That's probably more than you wanted to know but that's how it's all implemented under the hood! :)

That's exactly the kinda info I like to learn about :D I actually heard the footsteps after the console loop turned back on and thought it was Echo approaching the computer as part of the beginning of the game, but then it didn't happen the next time which made it spookier lol.  Once I heard thunder I hung around to see if that meant something was happening in the game.   Good atmosphere~