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I don't really get it to be honest.

I understand that firing is random and the spell effect is random, but I don't seem to take damage and I can only move right and jump... So where I get to the right of the screen, I can't do anything...

Maybe update the game description (if that's allowed) or just update the comment section here with a few more details.

If nothing else, you at least managed to release something to the jam, you've done better than most of the other applicants.

I am glad to read your comment.
In fact we are french and we mess by having our move hotkeys on "AZERTY" keyboards... ><'

The main feature was about the random firing. Each bullet have a special effect by touching mobs.
Here we had a sponge, if you touch him with water he will grow, with wind he (was supposed ><) to get knock back. 
We tried to implement a "oiled state", if he touch a oiled platform he turn into oiled form (we had the animation and all :( ) and become immune to water but weak against fire.

But we were  too slow to implement every ideas, next time will be better I hope ;)

Thanks for your comment. You made me smile ^^