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Wow, best "let's remove your controls" game I've found this far. Also how you transformed a simple platformer into a puzzle game. I loved the first puzzle with the "no control-platforms" area, how it made you consider each movement. Also, the idea to solve the last puzzle was really good too! Really good job, presentation too!

My only issue was that, in terms of the platforming aspect, it was a bit hard to do the jumps, since you get stuck in corners (or fall from corners) many times. But with a bit of tweaks and some coyote times you're golden! I'd love to see this concept with many other keys and twist your player's mind even further hahaha

Great job!

Thank you a lot for your feedback ! I updated the game post-jam to implement and fix most of the feedback I had, and a better collider and movement was part of it. Feel free to try the update, even though the level is the same length ^^’