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I really really liked this. A top down shooter is a classic game jam idea, but having it so you can only control some axes of movement and CAN'T control the angle you're shooting is a wonderful twist. I especially like the combo system you have, it makes it REALLY satisfying to let the enemies build up so you can get them all at once. And of course that's always the death of me, letting too many on the screen at once. Great risk / reward system. All in all I really enjoyed the game, I think your execution is near flawless. If I had to change one thing it seems like enemies have a tendency to spawn behind you pretty quick? That might just be a result in me getting greedy with letting the enemies build on the screen though. Sometimes it seems like you do get trapped with no way out though, so maybe adding another AOE ability to get out of those situations but put it on a very slow cooldown or something like that. Overall fantastic job!

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it!