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Few bugs here and there as You pointed out... But for a first game this is surprisingly solid! I think it might have been over scaled, but its kind of completed and I can't say this about a lot of my games;)

I think the dashing was unnecessary, I don't know what it did, and I couldn't read tutorial messages at all - something gliched. I think You could - for this jam - end this game with like secret item behind last door that opens upon collecting like 100 coins, with which You can somehow kill those skeletons.

Or there is an ending and I couldn't get to it?:D

Anyway, cool game. Hope You'll continue with it at least to at least have a nice ending.

There is an ending ! The north gate (that is blocked by boulders in the future) can be opened, but I'm not saying more ^^.

Thanks for playing, and appreciate your feedback. The tutorial texts are a bit bugged out, the dash gives you a few invincibility frames. So you can get away unharmed when you spawn surrounded by skeletons for example. I wanted to give the player something they could do in combat, since - by design -  there is no attack mechanic. Also it's just always fun to be able to dash around a map when you explore.

The ending is behind the last door, you just need to find out how to get there ;)