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Insane amount of content and your team must of work like a well oiled machine to pull that off in 48 hour. I will say this right out of the gate, because that is really commendable. From a developer standpoint, I am really impress.

It's a nice first person version of Overcooked, that unfortunately suffer from all the mechanic you have put into it. It's kind of weird to say, but there is just to much mechanic to learn to be enjoying it rapidly. I feel that the learning curve is just to steep. If it was more delay in time, I think I would enjoy it more. Even after watching the video, it was like trying to master a complicated dance routine at level 1.

That being said, I can see the appeal to try the master the game in front of an audience as a streamer. Just with what you have, you have content for a relatively long game.

Overall though, you really outdone yourself on the presentation, I am impress. The voice acting is great, the writing is good, sfx and music are well implemented, no game breaking bug when I played it, ran like a charm over 60 FPS.

Overall great job, you should really be proud of yourself :)