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Nice atmosphere and music. Bit weird that I had to type in the style number instead of just shifting through the styles :P I also came across a big floor gap I couldn't get across without turning into a werewolf and killing four people (also, if I didn't stop killing I would've been stuck on the other side). Was there a jump button I missed?

Also kinda feels like it needs just another mechanic to make things more interesting.

Thanks for playing our game and for the feedback! <3 There's little arrows next to the style number but they're practically invisible x.x we definitely need to fix that.

There's no jump button, that's intentional. We were going to put a skylight to ensure that players can't get stuck but we ran out of time and had to do without unfortunately.

I agree! The game in it's current state is a bit lacking.


What was the intended route to jump across that gap without having to kill people? Just curious. Overall, nice work though!

(1 edit) (+1)

The intended path didn't make it into the game in time ^^" We were going to have slabs of meat that you could jump to as a werewolf. As a human you would be able to reposition them.