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Yes thank you so much, I hope the 4th diagnosis ends up just being benign. And for sure I completely understand because I'm a perfectionist myself😅🙃 it can really go both ways when I work on a project for myself. It can either hold me back because I want nothing but the best and therefore keep erasing content that in hindsight was probably already at it's best(according to my friends, brothers or my uncle, lol), I also tend to write, draw art, etc. I want to get to the point where I actually just start publishing a webtoon or make a VN myself because I love art too much to leave it behind (--I chose the path of an English Major in order to teach/write books). Or it can infact push me forward to better my work when it wasn't at it's best. For example this: In one of my art classes a year ago I had to draw a realistic face portrait from a magazine. It was a first time for me and getting my portfolio done in time really drove me with anxiety because I wanted everything for all of our assignments to be just right.  But it actually allowed me to step out of my comfort zone too,  and do something I never would have done in such a short window of space. Lol, idk if my prof to this day believes me, but I did this face portrait over night instead of spending two weeks on it like we were supposed to! So I completely get it! I def look forward to the game's release and can't wait to buy it! 

Oh man a webtoon would be awesome! They seem so fun to make. I'm sure you'd be able to come up with a good story too since you're an english major.  

That's amazing! Do you take your art classes as an elective or is it like a minor in art? I've always wanted to take some, but at this point I just want to be done with school; so no free elective space for me unfortunately. 

lol, at first it was just for electives when I was working on my AA in English. I took them because I would draw a lot of Manga style art all the time in high-school, along with writing short stories and poetry. Unfortunately, once I reached college I picked a more "stable career" because my family kept pushing me to do something else and I myself also finding out that animation (which I had originally chosen as my path) had more math classes to take then I would have liked (I haaaate math, like sooooo much, despite being ok at it, so after Stats 160 I was done😒). I then switched my major to English because I realized I loved literature about just as much as art. But art is like a part of me, and I really want to make the time to do it in combination with my English major. I've been thinking of doing so anyways the past 2yrs🤷‍♀️. But if you don't start somewhere and just keep thinking about it, you'll never start at all right? So, I'm just gonna jump into the deep end sometime soon and see how it goes.

But ya, in the end, I subconsciously perhaps🤔...just ended up taking all of my electives in art history&drawing art courses😅. Enough that when I transferred to CSULB last Spring, they were like..."do you just wanna minor in it? You have only 2 classes left for it to be a minor😅🤣", so yeah now it's a minor. Lmao. 

I feel ya on the math classes! I've had to take so many for engineering, I should've really gone for a minor. I only needed 2 more classes for it as well lol. 

That's awesome though! Now you're gonna be super prepared for a webtoon if you decide to make one!