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I'm not crazy about the art style here - the unshaded character clashes a bit with the shaded walls, and the HD text clashes with all of it. The somersaulting character was quite charming but a bit offputting in terms of knowing where the character's collision box was for platforming purposes. I also think that having the richocheting bullets no longer affect enemies was unintuitive and a quite annoying, since it means that it's just a matter of time after you miss any shots before you just die, and you also can't set up cool trickshots by bouncing bullets off walls. That said, I did have fun lining shots up and figuring out the order of operations, then trying to predict the paths of enemies. I also think the idea that if you hit an already-dead enemy then it regenerates is a very good idea with a lot of potential. I still think it would have been better overall if the richocheting bullets could hit enemies too though. Well done on getting a game submitted, and good luck with your future projects!