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This game is excellent! I love the music, I love the art style, I love herding cats with catnip bombs and a water gun.

It took me a minute to figure out what I was doing, but once I got the hang of it I had so much fun. At first, I thought WASD would move me (instead the player's character follows the mouse). And I spent my first minute trying to move the two cats I accidentally trapped into the building at the back of the area. Eventually, I figured out what I should do and I went out and rounded up another 15 cats.

The cat AI works really well and the game feels responsive and intuitive (once I got past that initial hurdle). The music and cat SFX add so much to the game feel --- great job there too!


Thanks a lot for all of those kind words!

It makes me so damn happy to read you enjoyed it!!! :D