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Hey, yal, is there any progress on GMLive 2.3? (I'm too excited 8) )

As you might have noticed, I have uploaded a 2.3 version, but I'm going to update it again before making an announcement (noticed that <something>.method() doesn't use correct "self" for static methods)

Wow, that's amazing! I'm going to buy it right now :)

Heck I'm blind

Damn, it's not working...

More details: I tried to load it into a huge existing project, it crashed

Then I created a new one, imported the stuff, made a very simple topdown mechanic and it broke

At first it was alright, but apparently x and y are working in a weird way (after "Reloaded oPlayer:Step_0" and "Reloaded obj_gmlive:Draw_0" the player got teleported to (0;0) )

After that I tried manually setting x to room_width/2 and it threw a weird runtime error in the debug log.

Full message:

[live][14.07.2020 21:00:32] Runtime error: [error] DoDiv :2: undefined value
 called from vm:op_impl_div1 (line 13267)
 called from vm:op_on_bin_op (line 13353) - l_st[@l_z] = vm_group_op_funcs[l_act.o](l_st[l_z], l_st[l_z + 1]);
 called from game:anon_gml_thread_gml_GlobalScript_GMLive_378994_gml_thread_gml_GlobalScript_GMLive (line 11057) - var l_ar1 = vm_v2_gml_thread_v2_handlers[l_act.__enumIndex__](l__gthis, l_act);
 called from game:anon_gml_program_gml_GlobalScript_GMLive_115841_gml_program_gml_GlobalScript_GMLive (line 2784) - l_th.exec();
 called from game:live_call (line 10046) - var l_th = l_pg.call_v(l_pg1, l_vals, false);
 called from game:oPlayer_Step_0 (line 2) - if live_call() return live_result
 called from oPlayer:Step_0[L4,c20]

I've tried playing around with obj_gmlive's Draw event and it worked alright, though there's definetly something wrong with the other stuff

Initially I tried Vector-based physics (by vectors I mean structs containing x and y)

Then I removed everything related to it and it's still broken

If you can isolate the problematic code into one or two snippets that reproduce the issue, I can take a look, but if it was <vector>.<method>(...), that would be the issue I'm currently looking at.

I intentionally avoided using vector.method(). I can send you the .yyz file

Also probably I'll create a new thread instead of posting in this one

That works too. Email is


(1 edit)

Oh, apparently the issue is in += operator. After I replaced it it kinda fixed

This is a rather major issue, but I'm kinda used to Lua's lack of += anyway)

Edit: also room_width and room_height are undefined