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Unfortunately game thrown an exception and controls weren't working, so sad, looks very promising!

This error I'm getting: 

An exception has occurred, but exception handling has been disabled in this build. If you are the developer of this content, enable exceptions in your project WebGL player settings to be able to catch the exception or see the stack trace.

Windows 10, Chrome 83.0.4103.116. Maybe it is possible to build Windows version separately, so I can play and rate it?

I would like to upload a Windows version, but uploading is disabled during the voting session. I was not aware that I can upload multiple files for different platforms so there's only WebGL version for now. So sorry for the inconvenience... ;(

If you have other browsers or the destop app installed on your computer, maybe try opening the game with it? That's the only thing I can suggest now. Sorry again!

Managed to run it from Mac. Great job on bringing strategy to this type of games! Nice idea, a bit underdeveloped graphics, great feelings. Fits the theme and very fun overall. Rated:D