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Cool first jam game! I didn't expect much story in any of the games and was pleasantly surprised to see it in this one. For me two things really stood out: the polish and the art style. The art style is minimal yet it is perfectly enough at all times to understand what's going on and it's pleasing to the eye too. When i first noticed that I could break the windows with the shotgun and create exits for myself but at the same time create entrances for enemies, I was amazed that this feature was in a jam game. Also easily skipping the dialogue and story meant that I could retry hard parts faster. But I still think it would've been great to have checkpoints at the start of each part.

P.S. If you could check out my game that would be awesome!


Thank you so much! And yeah lol the skipping story parts does end up kinda useful if you’re replaying (after you die or something). I’ll definitely check out your game sometime today! :)