Thanks for the suggestions, I’ve taken them into account.
Currently it is a little hard to read,
I’ve made the text face the camera directly, should be better now.
A video trailer can vastly help a game page, but I am aware it’s quite difficult for someone (especially an indie) to make one.
It’s on the checklist, but I don’t have enough content at the moment to truly make one :P.
This isn’t really a bad thing, but I think it would be better if each screenshot showed a different part of the game
True, there are a few mechanics I have not shown in the screenshots; will add those.
About the last point, are you sure a graphics card is not required?
I’ve used SDL2 as the window library, which provides a software rendering fallback renderer. In the event SDL2 ditches said renderer, they’d lose at least one customer :).
Thanks again for the feedback. I’ve already incorporated the smallest of them now.