You actually only have limited moves, you'll see at the bottom batteries that show how many lefts you may have or rights, jumps etc. We wish we had time for more narrative and tutorial elements to get players really rolling. If you have the patience to push through and experience our little game fully I would love to hear more feedback!
Thanks so much for the explanation!
Sorry if that was already in your instructions and I just didn't notice it. -- Honestly, I didn't notice the batteries at all because they are so tiny on my display. Simple things that would have made a big difference would be to display a message "out of moves" when there are no batteries left. Or, hearing an 'error' sound when you attempt to use a key that doesn't have any uses left.
On replay, I was able to get to the second grapple bridge, but there the "clipping" shortcut was not able to get me through the technical issues.
It's always tough to be up against a deadline. What I'd recommend for next time is to make sure that you get the core gameplay loop down before adding features (getting those clipping issues resolved before adding stuff like the grapple). Ultimately, I think what you've got is a good concept & presentation to expand upon and if you're feeling bummed about the technical issues you should still be proud of what you accomplished in 48 hours.