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(1 edit) (+1)

A super, duper fun little raging game! This is extremely fun and polished for a 48 hour gamejam game too, I have to say. The funny thing is, I didn't even notice I had a gas meter until a few levels in. Personally I think it could even be removed, as driving the car is the hardest thing about your game, and I don't think running out of gas adds very much to that. I just can't stop raging at how hard this game is to play, but I love it :D

One thing you could add is an instant respawn after hitting something, (or with a small delay), because you die so much in this game, it can get a bit tedious to keep pressing the space bar over and over again, but that's just a little tip.

Thank you! Plus the gas was added so players don't aimlessly drive around the levels to find "Cheese" spots, perhaps this can be changed after the jam!