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It's very nice that you made game about your cat :D. Puzzles are qutie interesting, though it seemed I ran into bugs few times, restarting level when I didn't fail. I love the fact that 'Space" meows :3. Quite good level design and possible to extend to simple mobile puzzle game.  Good job! Also, check out my game :).

(1 edit)

Thanks for commenting! The "bug" you most likely ran into was an intentional feature - keep an eye out for the colored words at the top of the screen. As you move, the letters gray out from right to left, signifying the amount of moves you have left; the level will automatically restart when you run out, as that is in fact a failure condition =)

Oh, I didn't notice. It could be more clear unless I missed some instructions :D 

It could probably be a bit more clear ingame, yeah. It's spelled out in the description just below the game, however =)