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Yes I totally agree with you, I began with the idea that if you eat healthy (green)  you get too fast, thats when you need to eat some unhealthy food to control your speed again and stay balanced for a longer time, but after testing in the latest hours of the jam it seemed boring and easy, so I changed it as you saw that your goal is to stay above 80% control whether you eat healthy or unhealthy you try to decrease the difference between both, the more control you have the higher your speed gets and the more challeging the game gets.

Yes it's somehow weird that eating unhealthy still increases your speed but the game had a simple idea that all food is good and needed. Maybe I should change the colors as red  let us think we should avoid it, also I will try to change the location of the HUD making it easier to follow.

Anyway thank you so much for your comment, glad you played the game.

Another idea that might help with that is adding some kind of indicator to show which kind of food you should pick up now to get in control, if there was one I didn't see it :)


Yup though about that, only the food you currently need will glow but time was my only issue.