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See i think this falls under difficult to control/unfun rather than Out of control. 
Take this with a grain of salt as i have very low dexterity and these games are not great for me, but initially for the tutorial i would say instead of saying ????? for the switch sides, i would do something like [displayed at top of the screen]

secondly, i think if you added like a time slow down to the side you arent controlling then the game would flow a little nicer, other than that, the controls are really slick, and i like the core concept. with a bit more feedback to the user i think it would wound out really nicely.

I'll take your points into account, I'm working on the visual part now and improving the gameplay. For one out of control, the player loses the turn randomly, and the other takes control, but due to a problem I didn't submit in time. Thank you so much for the feedback!