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Haha, thanks for checking it out. ^^ I haven't played that game, actually. I'd never even heard of it tbh, but when I googled, I was pleasantly surprised by all the praise. I may have to check it out later!

Ah, I sympathize with you wanting your games all listed neatly in one place (I'm pretty particular about that kind of thing myself), but I can't accept money for this game, unfortunately. Everyone who worked on this game did so for free, and I wouldn't feel right unless we split any revenue/donations equally... And that's just not practical considering the small amount we would get. Splitting 10-20$ a month between 6-7 people for the foreseeable future is just not a good use of my time right now.... :( Sorry.

I hope despite this you will enjoy the game anyway! Thanks again!

I sure will. Thank you for your answer. :)