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Really impressive work! The main mechanic is pretty unique. I'll admit, at first I didn't find it super fun, but by the 3rd level it clicked and I enjoyed it a lot! I completed all the levels.

The GFX are great, and the SFX and music work well. It's got a nice atmosphere to it.

The only bugs I noticed were a 1 pixel gap in the BG clouds (I run into this problem a lot myself) and on one level a platform didn't reset after failing. Took a couple tries, but when I final hit it again, it went back to functioning normally.

Awesome game, I wouldn't have guessed it was a 48 hour (or less!) project based on the quality.

Thanks for playing shibey :)

Not sure how to make it more fun in the first couple stages since the player has to get used to the controls. Glad that you managed to make it through all the levels!

I noticed the pixel gap, will have to go back at some point. Not sure why the platform wasn't resetting, I thought I fixed that ><