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(3 edits) (+16)

A startling invitation for the mindful. What desperate kitsch, barren ugliness these faeries unleash in their pointless quest to grow their society. How does a fully realised Faerie Palace, surrounded by woodsheds, bogus healing crystals, and countless identical dwellings compare in beauty to just one of those magnificent oaks, if left to grow unmolested?

It cannot be a coincidence that they spend the majority of this game literally undermining themselves. The glaring omission of the risk of death or any permanent physical injury for the faeries from the real life risks of collapsing mines, falling branches, is clearly an authorial decision to heighten the players sense of magical specialness. This can be you perfect world. A perfectly safe, perfectly ugly, uniform faries-only world, where nature only exists as far as it bends to your will.

Go on, fertilize that raspberry bush again. You can always aggressively prune any new growth from the neighbouring trees to ensure it receives enough sunlight. If you do it right, all new growth will cease permanently, leaving you with perfectly bare and usefully strong branches, a zero maintenance structure  perfectly suited to supporting your buildings and sunlight capturing devices.

Feedback/requests: Ability to name faeries and enforce some sort of social hierarchy. And would it kill you to include a few fan-service scenes?


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