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yu need a hug

or deth

Me: *checks if you be on meh list* oh crap not her to

Amelia: ._. If you fricking try to kill me I will rip every bone from your body with tweezers . . no offense

-i perfer hug ;-;-

-plus she isnt a fan of people who betray her--

WeRE lItErAlLy FrENs

Me: *pulls up my Itch account on my phone* im not gonna

sTIll when your a fren who try's te kill her you betrays her :> pluses she was on de list 

Amelia: oh hoi . . Okey :>

Me: yeah anyways ima just say i got yew *on her phone* alright thats 2M

Amelia: wut-

-2M what??-

Me: yesh


oh okey

Amelia: eokay than ._. -awkwardness hath arised-

Me: yeah anyways if ya wanna crash at my place tonight the only rule is no corpses in da bedroom

Amelia: -shrug- why not . . and okay