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(2 edits)

I did de killer challaungeName: Amelia

Age: that ain't sumthin you should know child

Likes: ice cream

Dislikes: almost anything but ice cream

Fav food: icecream

Least fav food: brUSSeL SpRouTs aNd AvACadOs

Personality: I will most likly kill you if you cheat meh

Quote: I got have a quote? . . Ok ok I got one . . How about "I totally didnt just kill your best fren with safety scissors" . . Your dumb to -v-

Backstory: welp she was a sweet little kid until her parents died in a fire, sent to an orphanage, that orphanage got invaded by assassins to get more assassins, got trained to become an assisan, realized she was being used, attacked em's and killed em's, and is now a lonly hobo who lives on the streets :3


yu need a hug

or deth

Me: *checks if you be on meh list* oh crap not her to

Amelia: ._. If you fricking try to kill me I will rip every bone from your body with tweezers . . no offense

-i perfer hug ;-;-

-plus she isnt a fan of people who betray her--

WeRE lItErAlLy FrENs

Me: *pulls up my Itch account on my phone* im not gonna

sTIll when your a fren who try's te kill her you betrays her :> pluses she was on de list 

Amelia: oh hoi . . Okey :>

Me: yeah anyways ima just say i got yew *on her phone* alright thats 2M

Amelia: wut-

-2M what??-

Me: yesh


oh okey

Amelia: eokay than ._. -awkwardness hath arised-

Me: yeah anyways if ya wanna crash at my place tonight the only rule is no corpses in da bedroom