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Hello, I'm not the creator of hyper rogue, it is zenorogue if I'm not mistaken

I'm glad you liked the game, my inspiration where mostly Antichamber and a game I saw in a festival but did not get released yet, De Pictura: 

Also I started this project during a game jam (ludum dare) where the theme was "One room" so that made me think about how to use portals to make you loop in one giant room. You can still play that small game here:

If you like that theme, I recommend youtube channel "Code Parade" that has several videos around non-euclidean geometry and his even working on a game inspired by hyper rogue.

I would love to see games about curved spaces but I don't know many. I worked on ideas around that for a sequel of Fragments of Euclid, but unfortunately right now development is paused and I don't know if it will start again someday ...

Please, consider releasing the game on steam!! :))))  would LOVE having it there with all my library. I would totally pay for it again. The game is truly amazing.