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Hi again! I again had problems, but in terms of passing the game itself. In chapter 2, where you need to shoot a gun from a helicopter in a car, I cannot understand how to dodge me, or to escape flying bullets. For about an hour I was tormented and could not understand.

did you fix it?

Yo! Must have missed this one. This is just a tough boss fight, you have to really pummel the chopper with bullets. Drive forward and backward on the road along the allotted area, and time your movements passing beneath the chopper between each volley of bullets. Avoiding gunfire is easier from the back of the chopper so try and keep most of your time behind it, when you're in front it'll use its vulcan gun. Keep your velocity up by staying constantly on the move - if you slow down it's harder to control your vehicle. We know all this advice is super late but hopefully it was still helpful! Cheers bud!