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ok first

i actualy do have clical deppression and dont take meds due to age


is there PROOF people are dying? i mean, yes, we have numbers, but are the numbers real?  there isnt any true way to know if this is a lie or not, there isnt any proof

like, no real proof

not like, walk by someone and they die of corona

no real real proof

that is my reasoning

and i do wear a mask everywhere and social distance if it is real, so i and everyone ik irl and on the intornet as afr as ik stays safe

so im alright anyways

LMAO OK. oh boy where do i start- you're probably like around 8. listen, man, i find it hard to believe that you have clinical depression. anyways, the government IS lying a tiny bit about the numbers. people have died while they had corona but didnt directly die FROM it, yeah, thats happening. but i can assure you that corona is very much real. im guessing you're from a republican family for thinking its fake lmao. 

explain to me what depression is and how you deal with it and what makes you depressed and i might believe you then lol. my gran's neighbor, jimmy, his dad lives with him and his dad is like in his 60's. he got corona recently and is suffering greatly from it, hes on his death bed p much.


im in the age range of 12-16, and second i dont pick sides when it comes to politics, and no one in my family does either

second, okay, so corona is real, sorry for doubting it was

i was the wrong one here, so you win that one


feelings of severe despondency and dejection

there, thats what deppression means

how i deal with it? i bottle up my emotions untill i cant take it anymore, then atempt to kill myself in some way or the next

it usualy doesnt work

what makes me deppressed? unless you also have been bullied, absued, and otherwise tramatized from ages 3-8, then you dotn want to know

wow edgy ok. i find it very funny that you cant even spell ' conspiracy ' right yet you can spell despondency right, sure you didnt copy paste? lol. listen, despondency and dejection are the same thing. also you shouldn't kill yourself thats a bad thing to do, trust me. 

and, i know what depression feels like man. also also, thats a big white lie right there. you can, indeed take antidepressants in that age range. prozac or fluoxetine is safe for children / teens in that age range. you're just backing yourself into a corner right there, and thanks for admitting that corona is indeed real because most people who are informed correctly once they figure out they're wrong, back into a corner and still continue the argument with false ' truths '.


maaaybe i copy pasted because im bad at spelling and im very insecure, i felt like if i spelt that wrong you wouldnt belive i actualy had deppression

and ok, well, i used to go to therapy for this sh*t, but i couldnt find anyone who actualy understood me and gave up

and most people told me tht im to young for meds, so i just didnt know i could take meds at my age, sorry

and im glad that you at least understand how it feels

and ive meet sooooo amny people who are like, "even though im wrong im still right" 

and if corona is real its real, y'know

i can understand that, people pull arguments right out of their ass just to make a point even poking at misspellings. well, i get what it feels like to not have someone there but you just gotta look harder. i was in a dark place in my life until i cut out the toxic people and found people who actually cared about me and my life is better now. you just gotta work for it, happiness is indeed an option you just need to look for it instead of sulking.


and no matter how hard i try toxic people just come back

a bully i dealt with for 5 years moved from her super rich town to my super poor no money at all ever town just to bully me more

and now we have a new bully who made all but 2 of my friends toxic my manipulating them

ouch. that must suck, at least you're not in school anymore lol. just ignore them and go find new people to hang out with, even if its just on the internet.

yes, yes it does

some of them act like i was never their friend

as if theyve been brainwashed

and yeh, i have a few friends on the internet

but end of the month is when theyre sayign we go back

whatever ill find a way

or i wont

and thats life

so.....idfk i guess, but thank you very much for the help

augst? yeah same. i go back then, too.. starting out as a freshman in highschool while corona is still going on. it sucks. and i didnt really help you i dont think. i cant say that i've had the same situation but i've had one very similar to it. do you have a discord?