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(1 edit)

This watercolor style WITH dynamic moving layers feels Amazing!
When no movement - screen feels like one solid image
but when it moves - whole thing gives nice deep sense of 3d environment
This is great contrast - i love it

also moments without any HUD elements feels like Art or Animation instead of game
and this is amazing - it gives much more immersion in story and environment
than any other visual novels or similar games
- i wish less "HUD elements" on screen and all HUD in same "watercolor" style
So they do not get out of style and do not break the immersion

But one thing I want for sure
to see more new games in same "watercolor" style with "deep" 3d environment feeling and sense of any motion
Thank you for this game : ]
i will remember it for long time..

PS. will be nice to see more story and longer time of play

Many thanks for your very kind and detailed feedback!
That technique of moving layers was a new experiment for us but we loved the result.
We'll try to create a longer and more complex game with that technique one day!
Thanks again!