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(1 edit)

The build I uploaded wasn't working for whatever reason. GM:S has this odd bug where if you don't compile with a certification then the game crashes when you run it. I've been looking for a solution all day and hopefully I'll get it up soon! If I can get around compiling with no certification then I'll shill out the 100 bucks for Apple's dumb program thing.

That certainly explains why I don't see more GM:S games having Mac builds. Thanks for the explanation!

(1 edit)

I finally had some time to fix that bug. Apparently Mac builds only play nice in GM:S versions 1.99.5xx+. They actually create the project in Xcode this time! I tested it a few times so hopefully nothing terrible happens lol. If you're still interested in playing and find any bug please let me know and I'll start fixing ASAP! Thank you for being patient!! ^_^)b

EDIT: Scratch that. Something's still wrong. Give me a few and I'll try to fix it real quick.

OK! Should work now. Only thing you have to do is move it from your "Downloads" directory to your Desktop directory (If you don't you'll get a "Unable to find game!!" error. I'm not sure why this bizarre bug is happening but I'm working on it. Thank you for your patience!