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Well, I'm confused.

Using your exact API key, running the exact same command, with a sample '32bit' folder in a very similar path, everything works fine:

PS C:\Users\amwenger\Desktop\Game Dev\__WIPGames\_LOVE 0.10.2 (RECENT)\Collector\Version 1.3.0\exe> C:\Users\amwenger\Ap
pData\Roaming\itch\bin\butler push 32bit all0utwar/collector:windows-beta
∙ For channel `windows-beta`: pushing first build
∙ Pushing 5 B (1 files, 0 dirs, 0 symlinks)
√ Added 5 B fresh data
√ 81 B patch (no savings)
∙ Build is now processing, should be up in a bit (see `butler status`)

Just to confirm a few things:

  • You did go through the whole butler login dance in the same shell, right?
  • You only have one account ?
  • At no point did you try to run any command in an administrator shell?
  • The file in %USERPROFILE%\.config\itch\butler_creds starts with a 9 ? (Don't post it here, or you'll have to revoke the key)
  • What's the output of butler -V and butler which ?
"invalid game" is something you would receive if the credentials are wrong, but except if you have several accounts and are logged into the wrong one
(1 edit)

Sorry for the late response. Yes I did login before attempting this. I also just logged out and logged back in to see if it fixed it, but no. I do only have one account. The file does indeed start with a 9, and here are the results for both commands:

c:\>butler -V
v5.0.0, built on May  6 2017 @ 18:14:04, ref 3190ff8469b6167ab2566c7b4c38c57baddcf7ac

c:\>butler which
You're running butler v5.0.0, built on May  6 2017 @ 18:14:04, ref 3190ff8469b6167ab2566c7b4c38c57baddcf7ac, from the following path: