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Yeah, that's fine. The SRD will still exist after the jam so you'll always be able to make games with the system. If you don't get it in the jam before the deadline, let me know when you do release it and I'll add it to the collection of all Wretched & Alone games I know about. 

Thanks! Unfortunately, I'm essential services during the COVID, so my days are actually busier than normal, and when I get home, I just need to unwind. And I want to get a chance to look at how people write their prompts for the cards, and get more familiar with the rules in general.

Thanks for coming up with such an amazing game engine!

No worries. Once you've got the time and your game is in progress, feel free to DM me on Twitter if you need help. I'm planning some updates to the SRD and it's useful to me to speak to others developing for it.