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Ah man, thanks for letting me know, Sairas! For some reason the auto-save feature in tyranobuilder (the software we made Paramedium with) doesn't work on macs... I had the problem with our other game, Faulty Apprentice, and I feel stupid for not realizing it would be the same here XD
Anyway, just uploaded a new Mac build, let me know if you have anymore trouble! And just a heads up, the game doesn't allow for full-screen mode yet, in case you try to do that. Cheers!

Thanks for the quick reply ! So I re-downloaded the game and I haven't encountered any other issue since. Honestly, I had so so much fun playing it. Just something about the occult detective/fantasy mash-up setting, dialogue and art really does it for me. Can't wait for the sequel ! (or any of your other games, really) *_*

Keep up the good work and thank you so much ! :D