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Hi, I'm having issues with the Mac version of the game. It starts up normally, but when you press "Start Game", choose your cleric and their name, then press the yellow button, the screen always gets stuck. I tried to restart the game, using a different cleric, download it again, restarted my computer but to no avail... It's still unplayable. Bummer. :(

Ah man, thanks for letting me know, Sairas! For some reason the auto-save feature in tyranobuilder (the software we made Paramedium with) doesn't work on macs... I had the problem with our other game, Faulty Apprentice, and I feel stupid for not realizing it would be the same here XD
Anyway, just uploaded a new Mac build, let me know if you have anymore trouble! And just a heads up, the game doesn't allow for full-screen mode yet, in case you try to do that. Cheers!

Thanks for the quick reply ! So I re-downloaded the game and I haven't encountered any other issue since. Honestly, I had so so much fun playing it. Just something about the occult detective/fantasy mash-up setting, dialogue and art really does it for me. Can't wait for the sequel ! (or any of your other games, really) *_*

Keep up the good work and thank you so much ! :D