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I'm on OSX Mojave (so is my daughter). We both downloaded the app and attempted to open it, but it says that it's "damaged". We didn't get any notices about it not being from the app store, it won't even get that far.

Is there something else we need to do?


Same here! Argh, we were really looking forward to playing it. :(

I had similar troubles! I found two ways around it, however. The first is to simply use the itch app, you can find it towards the bottom left corner of the home page. If you want the game you've already downloaded to work, however, you might need to use some Terminal code. I'd recommend you look that up, but you can certainly ask me if it's needed!


Oh great, thank you for that. We shall try it.


Downloading the Itch App worked a treat - I didn't realise there was one. The game installed fine. Thanks so much again

Glad to hear it!