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Another week passed so here's another A Game of Changes summarized devlog!

Life got in the way a lot during this week so I couldn't move forward so much as I wanted to, but still many new things got done.

New mechanics got introduced, which will make puzzles more interesting and challenging. The first one is the "flip" tile, which will swap elements to their opposites:

A new kind of tile is also available which features a "tunnel" below the surface (sorry for the crappy gif quality)

And lastly a rock(fixed) tile, which will never move from its position

Rock tiles are also not affected by the "flip", so this will allow some interesting puzzle mechanics.

Nothing of this is final for now, I'm still testing and working out what works best and provides a good playing experience.

On a more funny and less important side, snow footsteps :D

And finally, I started working on the first draft for a tile texture.

Not sure if I will use textures or not. The whole art of the game is still not clearly defined, and ideally I will be able to get the help of an artist to work on it. Which brings me to my last point....

Funding. I'm finalizing a few major things and solving major bugs to then produce a private demo to send to a few places. With a relatively small funding I could really boost this game's quality by bringing other people's expertise and also have a little more slack in development time to polish it. I'm going to explore a few options and let's see what happens. Suggestions welcomed :)

I've also set up a short google form for people to subscribe to the game's launch notifications. So, if you are interested in it, leave your email and I'll get in touch with you. I'll probably also email a few people to ask for beta testers (and give them a final copy for free ;))

See you next week or, for daily news, get your info via twitter or the devlog at tigsource.

Looking good! I love the secret tunnel.

My suggestions on funding/spending money on freelancers, coming from someone who does a lot of freelance:

If you like making games, you are almost always better investing in yourself... learning how to make that cool shader you want in your game may take a lot of time and effort, but afterwards your experience has grown, so next time it'll be much easier. Spending money on a freelancer might make logistical sense in the short term but if you plan on making game development part of your life, improving your own skills will be much more rewarding long-term.

If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. The only way for something to match your vision exactly is for you to make it yourself. Collaboration entails compromise, though with the right people it can lead to something new and better. In any case, creativity shines best when it's done in a playful, natural manner, done because you want to. Worrying about demographics, funding, etc. makes it not fun, which taints the end product and makes it turn out worse, so I don't do it :)

thanks for the tips :)