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The current download link, based on Google Drive, has a lot of issues due to hit quotas, probably because of the recent inclusion of Fossil Echo in the current Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality.

Could you please instead host a copy of the game installer on servers, to make sure it is reliably downloadable?



We’re just waiting on to bump up our upload limit to be able to upload the game directly. If you feel like pinging them about it as well, it may help unlocking the situation 🙂

Thanks for the heads up !



Oh, I didn’t understand that it is only a temporary workaround, it makes more sense this way ;)

If I see no news on this front in a couple days, I’ll ping support to make sure they understand there are players waiting for it.

It downloads here after a few tries, sill it should really be on the itch.o site for the future .. Game looks really nice!! Playing tonight :D


Hey! Thanks for checking out the game 🙏🏻 bumped our upload limit just moments ago, so we’ll upload ASAP. Cheers!