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Thank you very much for the effort you took writing this detailed feedback. Honestly, I'm not working on the game anymore, I have started the mobile version but shelved it due to other work coming up. Hopefully it will be unshelved one day to see the light of day.

This version here was a result of a week long jam, when I was quite a rookie in game dev. I'm still not as advanced as I want to be but if I would do the same game again, it would definitely be better. You are right about most of the things you wrote. I'm always surprised how many downloads it still gets (before the bundle as well) even though it's a quite repetitive and well, boring game. I think there is something about the game that requires attention. In the mobile version my plan was to expand more on the idea of events with much more variety and turn combat into a tad bit more elaborate version of the current one (a combination of war and a regular ccg). You can kind of see the direction in my devlog post I've written long ago.

If I get back to it, it will be for people who still play the game and especially for people like you. Once again, thank you. Your feedback will go into my knowledge database for my future games <3

P.S. Don't worry about not being able to complete the game, end boss is unnecessarily difficult and completely RNG, if not impossible. If you give me contact info (twitter, email etc.) I can send you a gif of the introduction sequence of the end boss.


Between the theming, look, sprite quality, and gameplay loop, I'd say it's a pretty appealing game. Your store page is also good at presenting it, which is more than the average gamejam game on itch.

For a one week gamejam, I'd say it's quite successful at what its trying to do, you can take pride in that. What I saw in the devlog looked interesting and exciting, and if you ever get back to it I'll check it out.