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The idea is okay, and both the visual style and the music is pretty good. For me I found it a bit too easy to solve the puzzles. Overall an okay jam game.

we really appreciate your objective feedback, at least someone get attention on our game and effort lol. I am the artist of this game, using extremely simple model to allow me to refine the visual details is my strategy. As you see we got only one UE BP programmer. He was mainly working with U3D, not UE4. So even I had experience with that the team finished most of coding in the last minute. We had tried to prevented this situation happen again at the start of searching period. But it did happened again. Without leaving time to test and adjust the levels, the game play flow inevitably leak of consideration. Thats a bit upset. 


Fortunately this is only a game jam, and you can always do it better next time. I have made a lot of bad jam games, but I have always learned something that I believe have made me a better game developer. And I am sorry that the feedback activity is so low in the unreal game jams, it is sadly always the case. I have been in more 20 Unreal game jams, and I always have to pull players to play my game.


you are really crazy man. someone said: your first ten games are just shit, so make them as soon as possible. So I believe you will be great after all. just keep learning.