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(1 edit)

If David Cronenberg directed the final sequences of 2001: A Space Odyssey.  Like doormatz a couple of months ago, I definitely saw elements of Please in there. The description speaks of "the offical timeline", so presumably this is similar to but not exactly what led to the events of that game.

Thank you for a unique experience, and the ability to play it on Linux. Well done. The only thing I would ask for is a way to alter the field of view. I'd rather feel queasy due to your efforts, not my motion sickness.


Duly noted for the FOV. My games lack a lot of user/QOL options, because...well...they're hard to implement (sorry, lone dev here)!
But I am very happy to read your analysis of the contents of the game, looks like I communicated my intentions very well. Thank you very much for playing.