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this is a neat game, and as someone who adores the genre this is meant 2 portray, it got me very very excited!!

in terms of feedback, i do think its worth saying that some descriptions of the more narrative portions of the game can be a little vague? it was easy for me to figure out what "bring into play / emerge in the current scene" means for example, and i'm very familiar with the concept of framing and playing out scenes, but someone less accustomed to ttrpg conventions might find themselves a little bewildered and unsure of how to go about play?

that said, this looks very fun and i fully intend to play it in the future :O!!


Hey thanks for the feedback I super appreciate it! And I do agree with that analysis, my initial focus wasn't necessarily on "ease of play", especially for those less familiar with narrative conventions. There are some upcoming additions and updates I'm working on that hopefully address that issue (as well as general accessibility improvements).

If/when you get a chance to play it let me know how it goes! There's been a little playtesting here and there, but I would love to see how a game where I am not actually directly involved in goes!