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(1 edit) (+3)

Video games aren't 'political', this game is about the Hamburglar and Dino the Dinosaur from The Flintstones.



Also, why did you leave an actual link to that bullshit about bailing out criminals?

(1 edit) (+3)

Do you like The Hamburglar?



Nope, not really:D


Well, thanks for playing! I hope you can give me $12 for playing my free game and donate to the links in the description. Have a nice day :o)


Heh, some lefty was offended by my comments (and some of yours, apparently) and have disliked them. Too much of a pussy to write directly, just hides and dislikes to not recieve any response)))

Deleted 3 years ago

Sadly, these days, none of us can step outside, smdh.
Also, I noticed this is the only comment you have made from this account. Thank you for commenting!


Deleted post

A lefty smart enough to deny being a lefty? Already seen that, not original. Your illiterate vomit of a comment and a lack of frontal lobe give that away wtihout a doubt. Human waste.

Deleted post

We are all one human race no matter what hand we write with.
