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I'm really happy you have like the devlogs! I like writing them, becuase they force me to really reflect on what I have been doing.

About the company; It's a non profit company so it is not really a publisher, and the goal of it is to help out gamedevs in my city with their games with some support. So that's why I'm saying I showed off my game to a company rather that pitching it to a publisher. 

About how it went; I was really nervous, and I was the last one of the gamedevs who was going to pitch their game. We were doing the pitch digitally, and most people had a webcam, so I could see their faces. And as soon I joined the call, I silently went into panic mode. I looked at their faces and though "wait, not a single one of these people seem to be under 20. What have I gotten myself into?". I was simply put 5 years younger than the competition. At least 5 years younger. My pitch went pretty well itself, but I didn't win. The others were just too good. But I got a lot of great feedback! And that is what matters in the end; improvement. So next time I get a chance like this, I'll be one step closer to winning.