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Spent a chunk of yesterday and most of today working on Mila, as I create the art assets, my love puts them right into godot and does the programming to build the game.

Here's a screenshot, to give an idea of how the actual game will look, it's fairly sparse right now and this isn't the actual level design, just a mock-up example with some assets I put together to see how the colors and sizes fit. In the actual game, the assets will be animated - like, the trees will sway, the bushes will floof when you walk through them, the crab will chase and attack you- SNIPPY SNIPPY! -and the ocean will move like waves, in and out, and looks pretty rad. The ocean asset here is just like, a single frame stand-in for about where it's going to go.

The backpack opens with the inventory (tbh, it has the cutest bouncy animation).

The game will have controller support, and could also be played with just a keyboard.

This screenshot isn't actual size, I scaled it down, so it wouldn't be too big for this forum  :D So please excuse the slight blur on the text and such.