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another week of considerable work! Keep it up :)

I wouldn't necessarily call it considerable as I feel like I've been on a bit of a bad streak lately.

But thanks anyway. :)

you are more devoted with even small changes, quality of life, and balancing, etc - than I see most devs with games already released on Steam for money.

Yeah well, thanks, and to be completely honest, I can't really say that I don't agree... I've seen too many times where games don't even have the simplest of options available.

game in 2020 with your standard Robotron control scheme, and they didn't add mouse control ;3

Stuff like that? >w < 

I was more thinking, as an example: the ones that just have "play" and "exit" on the menu screen and that's it.

I also can't really comment much on the mouse aiming thing as my game doesn't have that (yet, still thinking about adding this) and probably not the best controls either for that matter.

I do know what you mean though, I'm barely surprised anymore when you can't toggle between fullscreen / window mode or even adjust volume in games these days...

what sets you apart is you care ^^ 

care enough to check the small stuff, to add that QoL that makes a game worth it.

and your controls were fine months ago =p ever played A arobot named fight? THAt has janky controls, and I love it as well.

Yeah well, I'm glad you see it that way, I'm trying the best I can here. :)

I mean, I'm not sure there's much I can do to improve the controls, I've got a few more QoL things that I want to add related to aiming and such.

I don't mean to say the controls are bad or anything though, I'm just not sure there's much more that can be done.

And I have not played A Robot Named Fight so I can't speak for that.

ARNF controls pretty much liek super metroid on SNES. right down to the stiffness in moving and juming.

your game is a pleasure to control ;D

no joke, i loved it. I told a ton of people to watch this game based on the time i spent with the demo. It is actually a pretty amazing thing you have here, the graphical presentaiton is impressive, it stands out more than just pixels would, reminds me of MegaSphere on Steam.

just keep onkeepin on ^^ 

I read every one of these :)

I guess it might not necessarily be THAT bad then, I don't find SM type controls bad, they just might not be optimal.

But as mentioned, I haven't played it so I don't know.

Thanks for telling people about the game, this probably helps more than you'd think. :)

I've seen MegaSphere a few times, I like the visuals, can't speak for gameplay as I haven't played it.

Nice to hear that some people read these at least. ;)

Anyway, I'll continue trying my best and we'll see where this game ends up. ^^