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Hey Rin, I LOVE Oathbreaker. I was a superfan of Ascension for a long while, until I heard the new series Oathbreaker was out , so I checked it out, and I can't have enough of it! I love Virion,  and I love the MC,  and the amazing worldbuilding. Ascension pales in comparison! So when I heard season 2 just came out, I kind of freaked out, with ugly crying and screaming (kind of like Virion). Anyway, excuse my happy rant... I of course played your game (with it's new amazing art and don't get me started on (in my case)  Virion's and the MC's BABY?!?!) and was wondering how the game will update. Will it update automatically? Or do I have to download it again when an update is released?

Hi Reene!
If you use the app here: it will update automatically. If you are using the manual download, you will have to download the new game files, and either paste your old save files into the new folder, or paste the new game folder's content into the old game's folder. 💖
Thank you soo much for your lovely message and playing this game!