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Okay, so i spent a while listening and reserching some of the words he says

"Queue light and the fight, i dont know which for some post amusting, why dont you *gruel on it same *folgen as ever hover the table cloth *punt, do you understand me? no one does, listen there is a *bonjens at the door, should i gerent him? find me a *Ground friel

~from what i was able to make out *Gruel also ment to accept punishment or something that lacks substance or significance to an argument.

~Folgen is German for consequences

~punt to me made me think he was about to be punished from the previous statements

~Bonjens is also meaning German Sheppard (Dog)

~and garent meaning to agrivate

~ground friel is what i hear but i cant be sure

I don't think it's "Garent." I'm pretty sure it's "Garest," meaning "Cook."

For example "Should I cook him?"

i typed garest on the google translate it means more expensive

if you type "should i garest him?"

it says "should i expensive him?"

lol that don't make any sense

"why don't you grew on it" that what he says i think

and also the first word is cue as i read it on solution.png

it gets a little clear if you set the solution.png as your desktop picture