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I liked the concept a lot, but found that the keyboard input was a bit annoying. Namely, when you near miss your spot, because you can't back out, you have to end up dropping the package at the wrong slot.  Other than that, it's quite a lot of fun, but there's this bug in which you get the correct sequence but it still tells you you didn't complete it correctly. 


thanks for the tip.

I'll try to fix it.
Congratulations on your game. I left you a vote and comments.
bye Bye.

Thank you!!! By the way, forgot to ask. Does the game not have any sounds?  Had sort of assumed that it didn't and then i realized I was having trouble with sound in another game, just thought i'd ask you, just in case. 



the game is without sound and without sound effects.
I didn't have the time and patience to look for something.
I inform you that I have solved the defect you have reported to me. Also I added bobby's backward movement. In fact, moving backwards is more manageable.
Thanks for the advice.
Now I'm waiting for a response from the community on how the game updates.
Bye bye.

Finally played it again!! It's so much more fun to play with the ability to move backwards!! Thanks for changing that. The visuals are nicer now, and the colours seem easier to tell apart (although this may just be me knowing the game more). Also the score and feedback work perfectly now. Finally, thanks a bunch for the mention! Very nice of you!!